Thank you for your lovely performance at the chapel and the wake. Molly would have loved the atmosphere you created — Funeral service and wake for Molly


Please click on the mp3 clips below to hear samples of Elios in action

ave-maria2 Schubert Ave Maria

05-track-05-1 Cavaquinho samba movida

tango-por-una-cabeza1 Tango Por Una Cabeza

11-pachelbel-canon3  Pachelbel Canon

e02-track-02 Theme from The Godfather

e03-track-03 Easy Winners Ragtime

18-gabriels-oboe Gabriel’s Oboe  Theme from The Mission (Soprano Sax & Strings)

e04-track-04 Theme from Upstairs Downstairs

16-beatles-yesterday Yesterday, Beatles

turinaTurina excerpt from “The Bullfighters Prayer”

e07-track-07-2 Elgar Salut d’amour

19-handel-largo-from-xerxes Handel Largo from Xerxes (Soprano Sax & Strings)