We absolutely LOVED the music and everyone has been talking about how beautiful it was. Thank you SO MUCH. — Julia and Dave, Wedding


1. The quartet requires a  performance space of at least  2.5m x 2.5m at the venue.

2. An adequate standard of lighting is required if we are to play indoors. If this is not possible then we must be notified at least 7 days in advance, and a power source must be available near the performance space for the facilitation of extra lighting which we will provide.

3. The quartet will only play outside if adequate  shade or cover has been provided. Please make sure you have informed us if you are intending for us to perform outdoors. There are no exceptions to this as the instruments are valuable and can be damaged by sun or rain.

4. It is the reponsibility of the client to notify the venue that live music is being played.

5. If the event is longer than one hour  the Quartet reserves the right to take short rest breaks (not during wedding ceremonies of course!) e.g. if it is a two hour booking , we would normally take a 5- 10 min break in the middle…if it is a 3 or more  hours  booking we would take a 10 min break after the first hour and 15  mins approximately  and 10 mins at around two and a half  hours  etc

6. A deposit is required for the booking to be secured.

7. If the event is cancelled  with less than  4 weeks notice then the full fee will be invoiced

8. The balance of payment is due on the date of the engagement, unless prior arrangements have been made between the client and the quartet. Cheques should be made payable to M M Music Co. Ltd. If preferred, the balance may be paid in advance by cheque or direct credit to avoid inconvenience on the day of the event.

9. In the case of illness or injury, the quartet will make  every effort  to ensure replacement players of a high standard are present.

10. The client will have no come back on the quartet in the event of ‘Acts of God’ preventing or disrupting a performance, such as an earthquake or other civil emergency, car  accident, extreme medical emergency etc